
Your privacy is important to us and we respect it in every way we can.

Key Points/Short Version

  • We use cookies on this website in order to provide a better experience for you.
  • We anonymously track your visit to our website using a third party web site analytics package
  • We will never give or sell any personally identifiable information you explicitly provide us with to anyone else other than where it is strictly necessary in order to provide a service.
  • Some social networking websites such as Google, Twitter and Facebook might know that you paid us a visit

For more detail, please keep reading.

Web Site Visitor Tracking

We use Plausible Analytics to measure the volume of visitors we receive, how long they spend on the website and what kind of computer they use amongst many other anonymous bits of information.

We can't use any of this information to personally identify you. The purpose of recording it in the first place is to make our website better.

Mailing List

We operate a low volume email marketing list that is 'opt-in'.

If you choose to subscribe to the mailing list, you will receive periodic messages from us that might include special offers, news or other marketing material concerned solely with the services we offer.

Email addresses and other personal information provided when signing up is not and will never be shared with any other party other than Mail Chimp, the company we use to run our list. You can view their privacy policy here, but the long and short of it is - Mail Chimp do not use your information in any way other that to provide the service.

When you subscribe to the mailing list, you will receive a personal link that will enable you to unsubscribe from the list with one click. If you choose to unsubscribe, you will not receive any more mailing list related messages.

Other Forms, Contacting Us etc

When you contact us, make a booking enquiry via the website or fill out any other form that includes any personal information, we will use that information only to fulfil the nature of the request and any information entered will not be sold or made available to any other 3rd party under any circumstances.

Social Buttons, Likes, Pluses...

We use various social features on our website, such as sharing our pages via Twitter, liking them on Facebook or on Google Plus.

It is likely that these websites will know you've been here because we embed code on our website, provided by them that we have no control over.

Any information collected by these social networks that could be personally identifiable or otherwise is not available to us and we consider the risk to your privacy extremely low. If you are concerned, you should either stop using these social networks, or sign out of them so that they cannot identify where you go and what you do on the Internet.

Online Payment and Security

When we process on-line payment, we do not have access to your payment details such as credit card number. This information is transmitted securely and directly to our payment service provider who has a legal obligation to keep your data safe. This obligation is determined by their PCI compliance and our service provider has Level 1 compliance, the most stringent and secure possible.


Yes, we use cookies. All of the social network websites and visitor tracking websites set cookies too.

We only set cookies that are necessary for the operation of the website and your use of this website implies consent.